Monday, December 8, 2008

Why I say NO to the RH Bill in the Philippines

::QuickPost 101:: imparting the wisdom of the ages in a jiffy

there are a hundred and one reasons laid out by pushers of the so-called "reproductive health bill" which aims to have a law enforced by the government propagating the use of drugs (such as contraceptive pills), devices (like condoms & IUD's), measures, methods, and the likes (whatever else they could think of) which would prevent the development of the embryo to a fetus who will be born as a baby and would inhabit in this world.

the church, especially the cbcp continuously take action against the passing of this bill. pro-life movers and concerned citizens also impart in the battlecries to protect and promote life.

i've heard a thousand arguments, taken part and been an audience to discussions about this issue.... and of all the many that i've listened to, there is this one outstanding point raised by Mamu (the auxiliary bishop of Legazpi, Msgr. Liloy Quiambao), especially in the use of contraceptive pills and condom which in the repro health bill the parents are supposed to give to their children (otherwise they are to be punished under the law), roughly i quote here:
cells are the smallest blocks of life. is it not that the ovum or egg and the sperm are cells? the egg has life. so has the sperm. like a full human being, they must die a natural death. should anybody initiate the cessation of life, it is homicide. murder. contraceptive drugs attack this cells and kill them. condoms and IUD's interfere in the course of nature and brings about an instigated death to these cells. what is it? murder.


if the government is afraid of overpopulation's bad effects, encourage people to love nature, love the countryside. only the metro's and the urban areas are jampacked with people....the beautiful countries are almost bare. teach the people a good attitude towards hard labor, encourage farming. our land is rich and fertile. let the people reflect, where are the precious values handed to us by our forefathers--faithfulness, love of family, the bayanihan....

for me, the repro health bill is a good draft for a true human rights bill which is a reverse of its stipulations:

punish those who would be found possessing contraceptives of whatever form---a lot of times, they are the people who cause the problems of our society: adulterers, philanderers, murderers, sloths, people who refuse to take responsibility of their actions, people who do not accept God 's will (if they are like these, do you think they would even listen to the government? so i doubt.)<<